Friday, March 7, 2014


History of the Chamorro People

of Latte houses by David Sablan> </img>
Pietrusewsky, Univ of Hawaii, estimated that prehistoric Mariana 
Islander women heights range from 5'2.5

The origins of the Guam's indigenous people has been a topic of different speculations. Based upon evidence of linguistic studies and archaeological findings and of course biological perspective (DNA), scholars have been able to draw conclusions  and develop a few theories about the origin of the Chamorro people.
  • The original inhabitants of Guam are believed to have been of Indo-Malaya descent originating from Southeast Asia as early as 2,000 B.C., and having linguistic and cultural similarities to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. (
  • In the first major, open-sea migration in the history of mankind, the earlierst Chamorros sailed from the northern Philippines to the Marianas and distinguished themselves as accomplished mariners and fishermen.
  • The first Westerner to land in Guam and encounter the Chamorro people was Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, during his sea voyage. Hungry and weakened from their long voyage, the crew hastily prepared to go ashore and restore provisions. However, the excited native Chamorro's, who did not share the Spaniards concept of ownership, canoed out first and began helping themselves to everything that was not nailed down. The weakened sailors had trouble fending off the tall and robust natives until a few shots from the Trinidad's big guns frightened them off the ship and they retreated into the surrounding jungle. Magellan was eventually able to obtain rations and offered iron, a commodity highly prized by Neolithic peoples, in exchange for fresh fruits, vegetables and water.
  • After that Guam with its harbor and resources, became an important stopping place on the long voyage from America to Philippines. However, the Chamorros or the natives as they were called, for 150 years remained free of influences from the outside world  as Guam was visited by most of the early world voyagers and became regular port of call for the Manila galleon as early as 1565. (Guam and its People)
  • The clash with Western civilization began in 1668 when a band of Spanish Jesuits and soldiers founded the first effective Christian mission on the island. At first the missionaries were welcomed, but when they tried to suppress native customs they saw stiff resistance on the native side. After nearly 30 years of bloodshed, during which the population of the Marianas was almost annihilated, the Chamorros surrender to Catholicism and Spanish domination. (Laura, Guam and its People)
  • The year 1898 marked the beginning of a new period of change on the island. As a result of the Spanish-American War, Guam became a dependency of the United States. For the next fifty years, the United States Navy ruled in a nondemocratic and authoritarian fashion. 
  • Until, in 1941 when Japanese military forces invaded the island. For two and a half years, the Chamorros were forced to provide the Japenese military with food and labor.( 
  • In 1944, the Island was recaptured by the United States. Many people lost their lives before Guam was reclaimed and under American administration. 
  • Today Guam remains a colony of the United States, classified as an unincorporated territory with limited self-governing authority. 


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